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About Us



We are a support group designed just for you, the at-home mother! You are interested in the world around you, want a variety of activities for you and your children, and are proud of your choice of at-home mothering for your families! We know, because we're at-home mothers, too!


You need a support group that understands your special needs as an at-home mother and we're it! We are the first, largest and fastest growing support group specifically for ALL at-home mothers.


Here are some of the things that make us special:

We meet during the day, when at-home mothers most need support.


We believe being a mother shouldn't isolate you, so mothers may bring their children with them! For meetings, groups set up children's rooms with member volunteer babysitters (the children think they are at their own club!) and at activities, having children present is considered a natural part of life.


We have an established support system for our local chapters. Our volunteer Coordinators are experienced MOMS Club Moms who are ready to help you every step of the way. You can call them for advice, ideas and help! Where there are several groups in an area, we help set up luncheons and get-togethers so officers and members can network and exchange ideas, and we have special newsletters and other support just for our local chapters and members.


The MOMS Club® is a nonprofit corporation and a 501 (C) (3) publicly-supported charity registered with the IRS.


We know being an at-home mother today means making a financial sacrifice, so dues to our local chapters are only $15-30 per year. Registration fees for chapters are only $30 per group or $2 per member per year.


At-home mothers of any age children are welcome. You don't have to leave the group when your children enter school! We know you still need support as your children grow.

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